It's great to see you are interested in Batelle Sleep School. Please answer a few questions to help us to better understand your situation.
If applicable, you'll then have the option to schedule a free Sleep Assessment and Q&A with one of our team.
Thank you for your interest in Batelle. Unfortunately we are fully booked until the beginning of March. If you want to join our waiting list, please submit your contact details by clicking on the button below. We will contact you as soon as we have availability
Sleep School is for children 5 months and older.
For younger children, we offer the "Batelle Babies", which is a feeder program to Sleep School. The Batelle Babies Group have weekly coaching and guidance - at no extra cost - until a child is 5 months old and joins Sleep School.
You'll see immediate results, but more than that, this is the chance to really set your child up for success in sleep.
Please provide your contact details and we'll arrange a call to answer any questions about the program.